Archive Mode. Call Voices for the Marsh ended on 4/22/22, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Voices for the Marsh

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Foggy Morning at Spring Lake
Foggy Morning at Spring Lake
Sean Cuddahy

Fragments of a Thought on a Grand Stair
Fragments of a Thought on a Grand Stair
Sean Cuddahy

Cattails in a Foggy Marsh
Cattails in a Foggy Marsh
Sean Cuddahy

Mute Swan in Pursuit
Mute Swan in Pursuit
Sean Cuddahy

Snake Surprise
Snake Surprise
Faith Dobry

Trio of Turtles
Trio of Turtles
Faith Dobry

Faith Dobry

Birds of Abbott Marsh
Birds of Abbott Marsh
Terry Donofrio

Tressel Bridge Lights
Tressel Bridge Lights
Terry Donofrio

Lonely Tree at Spring Lake
Lonely Tree at Spring Lake
Terry Donofrio

Golden Leaves
Golden Leaves
Terry Donofrio

Sunset at Spring Lake
Sunset at Spring Lake
Terry Donofrio

Joel Dowshen

Foggy Paddle
Foggy Paddle
Joel Dowshen

No, Mylar
No, Mylar
Joel Dowshen

Abstract Stream Bed
Abstract Stream Bed
Susan Fielder

Abstract Fungi
Abstract Fungi
Susan Fielder

Pointing the Way
Pointing the Way
Susan Fielder

Knock Knock
Knock Knock
Cathy Floyd

Spring Breaking Through
Spring Breaking Through
Cathy Floyd

Page 2 of 6, showing 20 records out of 114 total, starting on record 21, ending on 40